St.Kitts-Nevis: Crime Continues to Trend Downwards with 23.5% Drop

Basseterre, St.Kitts (October 14th 2015):- “I am pleased to report the continuing downward trajectory of crime. Crime which was out of control long before the people intervened on February 16, 2015, is trending downward, still high but trending downwards. Our new strategies are bearing fruit.”
This was part of the opening statement by Prime Minister of St.Kitts-Nevis Dr. Timothy Harris at his monthly Press Conference at the Parliamentary Lounge of the Government Headquarters.
PM Harris gave the media a report on the current situation with regards to Law and Order in the federation. In particular the trends over the last 3-8 months and since the impletation of the much touted Six Point Crime Fighting Plan.
Dr. Harris indicated that overall Serious Crime in the Federation had decreased by some 23.5%. However he was sure to state that homicides remain a worrying issue and an issue that has been plaguing the country for over a decade.
“For the period January – September 2015, relative to January to September 2014, Police reported a drop of 23.5 percent in serious crimes. This is a significant improvement. We are not out of the woods yet. My Cabinet is of the view that one homicide, is one too many. Hence, we have been supporting the Police 6 Point Plan for fighting serious crimes and in particular violent crimes.,” said Prime Minister Harris who is also the Minister of National Security.
PM Harris also highlighted and announced that the R.O.C on Taiwan had committed almost $1million towards the crime fighting efforts of the Team UNITY Governemnt an the Police Force.
Dr. Harris announced “I am pleased to report that yesterday morning I received a cheque of US $315,000 or EC $850,500, from the Government of Taiwan. These funds will support the extension of the services of the Bramshill Police Advisors out of England, and other initiatives of law and order. Our Police will get the kind of mentoring & capacity building support so critical in the fight against crime. Additionally, we expect a new fleet of vehicles for our law enforcement agencies. I make an appeal to all ranks of Police, from Constables to Commissioner to do more. The wait and see attitude will not solve crime neither will we reward inaction, nor passivism, from our police officers.”
Dr Harris also used the occasion to appeal to the nation to report any and all criminal activity
“I appeal to our citizens to report any information which they may have on any crime. It does not matter, whether the crime was committed recently or long time ago. No crime and no homicide must go unsolved. The life we may save may be our own or that of a family member, a friend of acquaintance,” said PM Harris
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