St. Kitts and Nevis concludes its fifth Destination St. Kitts and Nevis Roadshow with new partnerships cemented
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UK Roadshow Ends with New Partnerships Cemented
London, UK, 18 October 2017: St. Kitts and Nevis Tourism officials and destination partners returned to Hampton Court Palace on Thursday October 12, for a Tour Operator Meeting and Networking Session, which also concluded the 5th UK Destination St. Kitts and Nevis Roadshow.

St. Kitts and Nevis Partners attend one-to-one meetings with UK Tour Operators.
On Day Four, the historic venue of Hampton Court Palace in Surrey provided a platform for St. Kitts and Nevis hoteliers and travel services to facilitate new business and to build on existing business during a day of individual tour operator meetings. Partners met with a range of tour operators, including Bailey Robinson, Osborne & Ebel, Red Savannah, British Airways Holidays, Expedia, The Turquoise Holiday Company and Funway Holidays.

Destination Partners and tour operators enjoy a tour of Hampton Court Palace.
Minister the Hon. Lindsay F.P. Grant and CEO’s Greg Phillip and Racquel Brown in the company of Hampton Court Palace warders.
The meeting sessions concluded with a tour of Hampton Court Palace for tour operators and partners while, keeping to the week’s Caribbean theme, the final networking evening and dinner of Destination St. Kitts and Nevis served up authentic Caribbean fayre against a background of steel pan entertainment.
Addressing the evening audience which included specially invited guests, Minister Lindsay F.P. Grant thanked tour operators for their support and acknowledged the special and long partnership with British Airways.
He said, “As St. Kitts strives to compete in the global marketplace, this week’s initiative is crucial in building partnerships with the UK travel industry, even more so in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. We emphasize that St. Kitts and Nevis is very much open for business and we ask your help in spreading that message. The Caribbean is in our prayers as we feel for those that were not fortunate enough to escape damage. “

Minister Grant addresses tour operators and specially invited guests at the final networking event of Destination St. Kitts and Nevis
Minister Lindsay Grant and CEO’s Greg Phillips and Racquel Brown, acknowledge Rajinder Johal from British Airways.
During dinner, CEO’s Racquel Brown and Greg Phillip, together with Tim Thuell, Chairman of the Nevis Tourist Board, highlighted the destinations’ appeal to UK consumers seeking authentic experiences complemented by a desire for luxury, romance, great food and adventure.
Guests were also treated to a preview of both St. Kitts and Nevis’s destination videos showcasing the history, culture, food, friendly people and scenic natural beauty of the islands.

CEO’s Greg Phillip and Racquel Brown address the audience.

Caribbean fayre at the final networking evening of Destination St. Kitts and Nevis.
The fifth Destination St. Kitts and Nevis Roadshow, from October 8 to 12, 2017, was part of a joint marketing initiative in partnership with British Airways and destination product representatives from both islands. The week kicked off with well attended travel agent events in London and Manchester, where agents learnt the key facts about the destination through fun and educational Quiz Games and networking with partners.
In London, a media networking event offered partners an opportunity to meet one-to-one and also network with a range of UK trade and consumer media, niche market journalists, online travel magazines, bloggers and freelance travel writers.
Editor’s Notes
The Destination St. Kitts and Nevis delegation included:
Representing the Ministry of Tourism for the Federation: the Honourable Lindsay Grant, Minister of Tourism, International Trade, Industry and Commerce.
From St. Kitts Tourism Authority: Racquel Brown, CEO
From Nevis: Tim Thuell, Chairman, NTA Board; Greg Phillip, CEO and Julie Claxton, Sales & Marketing (UK)
Participating partners included
From St. Kitts: Park Hyatt St. Kitts, St. Kitts Marriott Resort and the Royal Beach Casino, St. James Travel & Tours and the YU Lounge Private Air Terminal.
From Nevis: Four Seasons Resort, Montpelier Plantation & Beach, Nisbet Plantation Beach Club, Oualie
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