St Kitts and Nevis Registers Record Number of Citizenship by Investment Applications
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LONDON, December 5, 2018 /PRNewswire/ —
The St Kitts and Nevis government recently announced that the number of applications submitted in 2018 under their Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme was higher than over the previous four years. The Caribbean twin-island officials attribute the record success to a number of factors, including the newest CBI channel – the Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF) – introduced in March, 2018.
The SGF is often quoted as the easiest, fastest, most straightforward and most affordable route to St Kitts and Neviscitizenship. Furthermore, applicants get to invest in their future country and are eligible to benefit from all socio-economic developments on the islands.
Under the SGF, St Kitts and Nevis citizenship hopefuls can make a secure one-time contribution directly to a Government-held bank account without the use of intermediaries. The Government can then ascertain without further delays whether the full contribution has been made and, consequently, if the applicant can qualify for citizenship.
The processing is through, with strict due diligence checks in place, yet remains speedy, thanks to the fact that the SGF channel does not require any additional contracts, agreements or other transactions that the applicant must endorse or perform beforehand.
“There is more to the SGF than speed, simplicity, and safety,” believes Micha-Rose Emmett, CEO of citizenship and residency by investment legal firm CS Global Partners. She further clarifies that “the SGF was created for the purpose of supporting economic growth in St Kitts and Nevis in ways that are sustainable and that, just like the programme itself, will stand the test of time. SGF applicants therefore know that they are investing in their adoptive country, and that they are doing so in a way that will ensure prosperity for their children, and their children’s children.”
St Kitts and Nevis offers the world’s first ever citizenship by investment programme, starting with US$150,000 for a single applicant and increasing with the number of family members who are included as a spouse or dependants. With time and experience on its side, the twin-island nation seeks to offer the investor immigration industry’s “Platinum Standard” – which they believe is also reflected in the SGF option for CBI, in terms of process, quality, benefits and larger impact.
Importantly, the approved uses of SGF funds are written into regulation and align themselves closely with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations on September 25, 2015. They include funding school construction and education-related initiatives, mitigating the effects of climate change, supporting economic growth and local enterprises, building infrastructure that supports the nation’s ports of entry, developing medical facilities, supporting tourism development, and promoting and protecting local heritage. The SGF citizenship by investment option thus aims to make St Kitts and Nevis and all its citizens active global participants, ensuring that both the national and international communities see a sustainable, long-term improvement in the standard of living and quality of life.
SOURCE CS Global Partners
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