Port Zante Store Owners Express Frustration Over Event Stage Placement on Busy Cruise Ship Days

Port Zante, St. Kitts(December 14th, 2023):- A growing concern has emerged among store owners AT Poret Zante. The lively port, known for its bustling activity during cruise ship visits, recently played host to a three-ship day that left local entrepreneurs disgruntled and frustrated.

The cause of discontent? The placement of an event stage and speakers strategically positioned in front of various stores, hindering visitors from freely patronizing the establishments. As cruise ship tourism faces challenges with reduced visits, the timing of this inconvenience couldn’t be worse for the struggling business owners.

On the aforementioned three-ship day, the government erected tents and blocked entrances to multiple businesses, exacerbating the already challenging circumstances faced by the Port Zante traders, vendors, and store owners. Faced with declining visitor numbers and cruise ship cancellations, the local businesses are navigating a difficult economic climate, and the recent events have only added to their woes.

In response to the mounting concerns, the affected store owners penned a letter addressed to the St. Kitts-Nevis Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and the Ministry of Tourism. The letter outlined the negative impact of the event setup on their businesses and appealed for a resolution to ensure the sustained growth of the local economy.

Regrettably, the response from the authorities, while acknowledging the inconvenience caused, fell short of providing a concrete solution. The government officials emphasized that the event in question was a national one, expressing their apology without indicating any plans to relocate the stage or address the grievances of the business owners.

This lack of action has fueled the frustration among the Port Zante store owners, who argue that it reflects a fundamental flaw in planning, competence, and consideration on the part of the government, the UDC, and the Ministry of Tourism. The store owners assert that the authorities should be mindful of the delicate economic balance that sustains the local businesses, especially during a time of reduced cruise ship visits.

Furthermore, the store owners question whether Hon. Marsha Henderson, the Minister of Tourism, has issued any directives regarding the removal of the stage or a resolution to the matter. The absence of clarity on the minister’s stance adds to the uncertainty surrounding the situation. As the tourism-dependent economy of St. Kitts grapples with the aftermath of the global pandemic and the associated decline in cruise ship visits, finding amicable solutions to support local businesses becomes paramount. The standoff between the government and Port Zante store owners underscores the need for effective communication, collaboration, and a proactive approach to address the challenges faced by the local economy. It remains to be seen whether the authorities will reconsider their position and take concrete steps to alleviate the concerns of the Port Zante business community

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