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BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, May 24, 2021 (MMS-SKN) — Prime Minister Dr the Hon Timothy Harris on Monday May 24, in the afternoon, visited the Sylvia Garnette Primary Healthcare Facility in Tabernacle to encourage persons coming for vaccination and at the same time commended those who have shown up over the last week for their Covid-19 vaccination.
“Today Monday, a public holiday, we have had the best performance in terms of vaccine doses administered to persons,” said Dr Harris, who is also the Area Parliamentary Representative for St. Christopher Seven (Bellevue to Ottley’s). “Indeed I am advised that forty-plus doses were delivered.”
He added: “This is very good – very commendable. What we are seeing here at this particular healthcare facility is an uptake in the interest of persons who require the vaccine and moving forward to ensure they receive their shot.”
The healthcare facility which had opened at 8:00 a.m. on Monday May 24 and was supposed to have closed at 4:00 p.m. still had the nurses serving persons who turned up after that hour. The facility was closed at 5:30 p.m., by which time 43 doses of the Oxford AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines were administered, with 25 as first doses and 18 for second dose.
On Saturday May 22, when the healthcare facility opened at 9:00 a.m. and was due have closed at 4:00 p.m., the last person seeking to be vaccinated walked in at 4:20 pm and after filling out the required form, he was vaccinated at 4:26 p.m. Since he had to rest for at least 15 minutes for the nurses to monitor him, he collected his certificate at 4:50 p.m. and the healthcare facility closed at 5:00 p.m. A total of 33 persons were inoculated, 28 with the first dose, and five with the second dose.
“At this time the country is reminded that the only certain way to protect oneself from the significant consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic is through vaccination,” reminded the Honourable Prime Minister. “We are fortunate that within our country at this time we have vaccines. Around the world there is a significant shortage of vaccines, and so persons would love to be in a position where Kittitians and Nevisians and other residents are, where in their country they are able to access vaccines at a centre close to them.”
All health centres on St. Kitts and the Gingerland Health Centre on Nevis were open on Monday, to facilitate those wishing to be vaccinated. Prime Minister Harris has on all Saturdays been turning out at the Sylvia Garnette Primary Healthcare Facility to encourage and give support to those coming for the vaccine. He did the same on Monday afternoon after he would have presided over a special Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) Monetary Council Meeting on Tourism at the ECCB earlier in the morning
At the healthcare facility in Tabernacle, the Honourable Prime Minister continued to urge and encourage persons not to hesitate, but to do the right thing and get vaccinated. He reasoned that they would not be doing it just for themselves but would also be doing it for those under 18 years who cannot themselves be vaccinated and who are relying upon the herd immunity that will be attained after the country reaches the target of just over 33,000 people vaccinated.
“I am asking people to get vaccinated for their mothers, their grandparents, and all those who are vulnerable,” appealed Dr Harris. “I am asking you to move forward, do it for the country, do it so that we could get the people back to work again. In the new environment people want to operate in a healthy space – a space in which they could feel secure that the risks of Covid-19 are minimised.”
He added: “We could only get there if on every job, in every home, in every area of activity, our people by a majority are in fact vaccinated.”
The vaccination session at the Sylvia Garnette Primary Healthcare Facility in Tabernacle on both Saturday (May 22) and Monday May 24 was spearheaded by Nurse Norine Gabriel whose workstation is the New Town Health Centre. On Saturday she was assisted by Nurse Vivien Greene-Simon, while on Monday she was assisted by Nurse Greene-Simon, Nurse Shirmel Welcome, and Receptionist Mrs Jasmine Shelford.
In recognition of the work they put in, Prime Minister Harris said: “Let me commend the nurses for they have undertaken to be here from 8:00 a.m. today until now minutes to 5:00 p.m., and they have given yeoman service to our efforts to vaccinate people. They deserve every recognition and every praise for their sterling service to the country.”
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