PM Drew Continues to Deny Nevis’ Fair Share After 18 Months in Office: Premier Brantley Mum on PM Drew’s failure to deliver promised FAIR SHARE to the people of Nevis

Basseterre, St.Kitts (January 16tu, 2024):-The pursuit of a fair share for Nevis has been a challenge, casting a shadow over Premier Brantley’s political journey and the island’s aspirations. The saga began with Premier Brantley’s bold exit from the Team Unity Coalition and the 2022 General Elections campaign, citing the lack of a fair share as the primary catalyst.***The Departure: Premise and Promise**Premier Brantley’s departure from the Team Unity Coalition and his subsequent stance during the 2022 General Elections were anchored on the assertion that Nevis was not receiving its due fair share from the federal administration led by Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris. The crux of the matter rested on the perceived inadequacy of the unprecedented $66 million yearly income support that Nevis was receiving, a figure Premier Brantley vehemently deemed insufficient and falling short of the island’s rightful share of Citizenship by Investment (CBI) revenue.**Contentious Issue: Fair Share Becomes a Breaking Point**Brantley’s unwavering stance on the fair share issue led to the unprecedented dissolution of the Team Unity Administration, creating a seismic shift in Nevisian politics. The island found itself at a crossroads, with Brantley championing the cause of fairness and equity, vowing to secure a better deal for the people of Nevis under a new administration.**The Baffling Continuation: 18 Months Under PM Drew’s Leadership**With the SKN Labour Party Federal Administration, led by Prime Minister Drew, assuming power, expectations were high for Nevis to finally receive its long-awaited fair share. However, 18 months into the new administration, the promised fair share remains elusive. Premier Brantley’s shift in allegiance, declaring full support for the PM Drew-led government, raises eyebrows as the financial support for Nevis remains stagnant at $66 million annually.**Acceptance or Contradiction? Brantley’s Silence on the Continued Stalemate**What baffles many observers is Premier Brantley’s apparent acceptance of the same $66 million income support that he vehemently rejected during his campaign. The stark contrast between his passionate rejection of the previous administration’s offer and his current acquiescence to the status quo leaves many questioning the sincerity of the fair share pursuit.**PM Drew’s Stance: A Lack of Interest or Compelling Constraints?**The apparent lack of progress in securing Nevis’ fair share under the PM Drew administration raises questions about the government’s commitment to addressing this longstanding issue. Whether it is a matter of competing priorities, financial constraints, or political complexities, the silence on this crucial matter remains deafening.**Conclusion: The Lingering Question of Fair Share**As Nevis marks 18 months under the PM Drew-led Federal Administration, the specter of an elusive fair share continues to haunt the island’s political landscape. Premier Brantley, once the vocal champion of Nevis’ rights, now finds himself in a curious position of acceptance, leaving Nevisians and political observers to ponder the fate of the much-touted fair share that remains just out of reach. The journey towards a fair allocation for Nevis endures, entwined in the intricate web of St.Kitts and Nevis politics and promises yet to be fulfilled.**

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