PAM Chairman Attends Caribbean Democratic Union Summit

Mr. Valentine Lindsay, the Chairman of the People’s Action Movement, one of the three Political Parties along with the PLP and the CCM that make up the Historic Tri-Partite Team UNITY Administration Government , attended the summit of the Caribbean Democratic Union held in Miami, Florida 18-19th according to a Press Release issued by the party . The Release stated that the Caribbean Democratic union is a regional grouping of political parties and is a sub member of the International Democratic Union (I.D.U). 25 representatives from the nine currently affiliated Political Organisations were expected to attend.
The release stated further that the Summit Opened with remarks By Prime Minister Mitchell of Grenada, a presentation on the vision of the C.D.U followed by Island by Island reports and an election of a C.D.U council. The point of the Summit was to reestablish the CDU and re commit to the tenants of the IDU and the CDU such as good governance, Human rights etc.
The conservative party of Great Britain played a vital role in this convening of the CDU summit. The Conservative party is a member of the International Democratic Union.
Chairman Lindsey stated that the summit was timely; he believes that matters discussed directly align with his vision for youth involvement in the People’s Action Movement and in the politics of the wider Caribbean. He also stated that no political movement can go forward without including the young people.
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