Over $ 2Million !!!!!! Amount Charged by Lawyers Representing Dr. Denzil Douglas Administration in Boundaries Matter

Lord Peter Goldsmith

Lord Peter Goldsmith

Over $2million is the astronomical figure that is being billed to the taxpayers of this country for the legal fees for lawyers representing the Dr. Denzil Douglas Administration , in  the boundaries injunction case between 16th January and 16th February.

The bulk of the money which will have to come out of the St.Kitts-Nevis  Treasury will go to Lord Peter Goldsmith who charged an estimated One Million EC dollars for himself alone. With the remainder to be likely split between the rest of the Legal Team .

The amount may go down as one of, if not the highest legal fee, ever paid by a government for a court matter.

Lord Peter Goldsmith who also represented  electoral officials in the now infamous matter, argued that the proclamation to change boundaries was properly gazzetted when the then Prime Minister Douglas said it was that evening when he announced the dissolution of parliament.

He said because the Opposition members claim they could not get a physical copy of the extraordinary gazette until days after does not mean it was not properly published. The High Court and Appelate Courts agreed with his assertion . However the Privy Council disagreed and ruled that the injuction placed should be reinstated and that elections be staged on the boundaries that existed before the supposed proclamation.

It is unclear how much the government legal team was paid on matters such as the MONC and other matters which involved the high powered legal team of Goldsmith, Browne, Anthony and Astaphan.

With at least 3-4 cases that Goldmsith has been involved and with an average of about $1million ec per matter it is fairly safe to assume that the former Attorney General of the UK has pocketed at least $3million EC in legal fees. Millions which were and will have to be paid from the money of the  taxpayers of St.Kitts-Nevis through the treasury.

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