OFFICIAL St.Kitts-Nevis General Elections Results Finally Released Two Weeks after polls. Figures Indicate a Team UNITY Victory even with Change of Boundaries

Thousands packed the streets of Basseterre to celebrate Team UNITY Victory

Thousands packed the streets of Basseterre to celebrate Team UNITY Victory


 See Final OfficialElection Results:

Another Chapter in the sordid Election Drama in St.Kitts-Nevis is now seemingly closed with the release of the Official detailed General Elections results by the controversial Ag Supervisor of Elections Wingrove “Parrot” George.

The results were circulated to the media and it brought some finality to the February 16th Elections in which the Team UNITY was declared winners of the 2015 poll after successfully returning 7 of the 11 seats contested in the Federation.

The detailed Official results has revealed a number of interesting things. Most notably is the fact that the results indicate that even if the New Boundaries were successfully implemented by the Dr. Douglas Administration, the Team UNITY would’ve still come out victors with all things being equal and based on the results as released.

The proposed new Boundaries included changes in the alignment of boundaries in Constituency #5 , Constituency #3, Constituency #7, Constituency#8 and Constituency#9 and #10.  The new boundary changes would’ve no doubt change the fortunes of some candidates but it certainly would not have altered the fortunes of the Team UNITY .

The official results suggest that in Constituency #4 the now Hon. Lindsay Grant would’ve been returned by an even larger margin. In the proposed new boundaries polling divisions 6a and 6b of West Basseterre would’ve been attached to Constituency #4. Team UNITY won those two boxes by a total of 54. When added to the 36 votes that Hon. Grant won by on the Old Boundaries, Team UNITY’s Grant would’ve ended up with an even greater 94 Vote Victory over Glen Phillip.

In Constituency #5 the proposed new boundaries saw Newton Ground being attached to Sandy Point. There were two boxes in Newtown Ground. The Team UNITY Candidate Vernon Connor lost those two boxes by a total of 189. Constituency Representative and Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Shawn K Richards was returned with the largest margin of victory ever in the history of that Constituency 5.  A margin of some 361 Votes. Thus On the proposed new boundaries Richards would’ve still won by 61 Votes as opposed to 361 votes. A win none the less.

The proposed new boundaries saw the removal of the first two Boxes in Constituency #7 and the addition of the first 4 Boxes from Constituency #8. Dr. Harris won on the old boundaries with a 2 to 1 landslide . With the proposed new boundaries the landslide would’ve increased to a 3 to 1 margin in Constituency 7.

The then new Constituency #8 which would’ve encompass mainly Keys to Conaree to St.Peters would’ve seen Dr. Drew having a fairly comfortable victory over the incumbent Hon. Eugene HAMILTON.

Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Timothy Harris  Greets Thousands at Charlestown Victory Rally in Nevis

Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Timothy Harris Greets Thousands at Charlestown Victory Rally in Nevis

In Nevis 9 the new boundaries would’ve made no difference beyond the margin of victory of Hon. Mark Brantley. Brantley won all except one box on the old boundaries. Even with the proposed removal transfer of boxes to Constituency# 10 under the proposed new boundaries neither Brantley or Premier Vance Amory’s fortunes would change as the both would win whether the elections were held on old or new boundaries based on the details revealed on the results.

In essence based on the results as released and without considering the much talked about psychological impact on voters the Team UNITY would’ve still won the government on the New Boundaries with 6 of the 11 seats .  The only casualty for Team UNITY with the change of boundary would’ve been the Hon. Eugene Hamilton .

So the new boundaries would’ve provided the SKNLP/NRP alliance with their best chance of winning but based on the numbers and details of the results they still would’ve fell short and provided little comfort.

It must be noted that it is difficult to guage how the boundary saga influenced the electorate. Some can argue that the boundary change would’ve negatively impacted and demoralize the supporters of team unity and thus adversely affect their voter turnout as supporters may have seen the new boundaries as a death sentence for the powerful alliance. However the opposite also could’ve likely taken place where the team untiy supporters and the electorate would’ve seen the attempt to change boundaries at the last minute and the manner in which they were changed, as a sign of desperation and a total trampling of democracy and good governance.  This could’ve possibly have the effect of motivating and inspiring the electorate to go out in numbers and vote against that sort of governance as exhibited by the Dr Douglas led Administration.

Either way it is clear that the people of St.Kitts-Nevis wanted a change and they got it. Whether the boundaries were changed or not the CHANGE they wanted and demanded was inevitable.

Massive crowd in Basseterre celebrating UNITY Victory

Massive crowd in Basseterre celebrating UNITY Victory

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