Next edition of Prime Minister’s Health Walk is on tomorrow Saturday November 7
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BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, November 6, 2020 (MMS-SKN) — Health-conscious walk enthusiasts have another opportunity tomorrow, Saturday November 7, to join Prime Minister, Dr the Hon Timothy Harris, on the latest edition of Prime Minister’s Monthly Health Walk which starts from Bellevue at 5:30 am.
To be held under the umbrella of SKN Moves, participants will assemble at the bus stop in Bellevue and will follow the traditional route that takes them through the picturesque villages of Tabernacle, Mansion/Estridge, Christ Church, and taking them along the Bourryeau Long Path on to Lemon Hill, down Lodge Village and end at the Ottley’s hard courts.
The walk comes hot on the heels of Pink Walk organised by Essence of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation which was held under the theme ‘Mask Up While We Unmask Breast Cancer’ on Saturday October 31.
Regular Prime Minister’s Health Walk participants, many who took part in the Pink Walk, will be too glad to welcome other walk enthusiasts and are hopeful that those who took part in the Pink Walk and are not regular Prime Minister’s Health Walk participants would take the opportunity to join them.
According to a regular Prime Minister’s Health Walk participant, this is a season that gives them plenty of opportunities to exercise, noting that exactly one week after tomorrow’s Prime Minister’s Health Walk, walk enthusiasts have another opportunity to be back on the road as the St. Kitts Diabetes Association will hold their walk on Saturday November 14.
Prime Minister’s Health Walk is the longest running organised such event and by participating in the walks, residents of the Federation have been benefitting from the personal efforts of Prime Minister Harris who is also CARICOM’s lead spokesman on human resources, health and HIV matters, as he has ensured that the message he delivers at the regional level is fully embraced at home. The health walks help him to accomplish that goal.
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