The Montserrat Tourism Division, Office of the Premier, will be implementing a training and certification programme for tourism stakeholders in preparation for the re-opening of Montserrat’s borders to international tourists.This programme is to ensure that their staff and business operations meet the demands of providing their services in a safe, healthy and secure environment in the COVID-19 era. Tagged, “Caribbean Safe, Supercharged Service Training & Certification”, the programme, is facilitated by the Tourism Division in collaboration with the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association Education Foundation (CHTAEF).The regionally recognized programme, which will run from September 9th to 20th, will target the accommodation, tour and transportation and restaurant segments of the tourism sector.WORKSHOP INFO
Each workshop incorporates International Service Standards alongside National & Regional Covid-19 Protocols and Procedures to adapt and uplift the National Service Experience for locals and visitors alike. CARIBBEAN SAFE, WELCOMING HOUSEKEEPING – Thursday 9 September 8.30am – 4.30pm ~ followed by individual practical tests to achieve MONTSERRAT SERVICE READY Certification and be able to work throughout tourism entities on-islandMANAGING YOUR BUSINESS IN TIMES OF COVID-19 ~ Operating Guidelines, Suggestions & Solutions, Check-Lists & Keeping your Team Lifted. A workshop followed by Inspections of your business-place to achieve MONTSERRAT SERVICE READY Certification and be promoted to visitors as a safe, friendly choice. Inspections will be ongoing to ensure standards & protocols are maintained.- Accommodation Owners, Villa Agencies Friday 10 September 9am-4pm- Restaurant, Bar & Eateries inc. HACCP refresher ½ day Tuesday 14 September 8am – 12.30pm- Taxi’s & Rental Car Agencies ½ day Tuesday 14 September 2pm – 5pmCARIBBEAN SAFE SUPERCHARGED SERVICE – 8am-4.30pm – choice of Saturday 11 September or Monday 13 September.
CALL 491 4703 or email info@montserrattourism.msNumbers are strictly limited as all training will follow Conference & Education Covid-19 Protocols.Registration closes on Friday 3 September at 2pm!
The training will be facilitated by Louise John – events manager of the Caribbean Safe, Supercharged Service Training & Certification, training series.John, is encouraging persons to register for the session which she says will be very interactive.LOOK OUT FOR 664CONNECT MEDIA’S live interview with Ms. John next Wednesday at 7pm on 664Connect Media on Facebook and also ZJB Radio.Source: Montserrat Tourism Division
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