Ministry of Tourism to bona-fide taxi operators on Nevis: registration and renewal process commences
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NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (January 16, 2019) — The following is an announcement from the Ministry of Tourism in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) applicable to all bona-fide taxi operators on Nevis.
The Ministry of Tourism, Nevis wishes to advise all bona-fide taxi operators on the island of Nevis that the renewal processes for all expired taxi Identification cards and vehicle permits is currently underway. The deadline for registration/renewal is January 31, 2019.
All operators are asked to collect the application forms and list of required documents at the Ministry of Tourism, First Floor, Social Security Building at Pinney’s Estate.
Please note that it is an offence for any person to operate a taxi or tour bus in a prescribed area without a valid permit issued by the Ministry of Tourism.
In order to qualify, applicants must be:-
A resident of St. Christopher and Nevis
The holder of at least a Class “A” driver’s license for at least three years prior to making the application for a permit; and have successfully completed the requirements of training and certification under the new 2012 Ordinance.
For further assistance kindly contact the Ministry of Tourism on 469 5521 ext. 6444 or 6442.
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