LISTEN : Ambassador Condor Speaks to Nationals in Live Radio Interview

His Excellency Terrence Sam Condor -United Nations

On Thursday August 11, 2016, Permanent Representative of St. Kitts and Nevis to the United Nations His Excellency Sam T. Condor spoke glowingly about his love for the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis during a live radio interview with Irie Jam Radio’s Talk Show host, Irwin Clare,  Managing Director of Caribbean Immigrant Services, Inc.

From cricket and sugar, to tourism and independence, the distinguished Ambassador used the live interview as an opportunity to promote the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, as well as to herald the work of the stalwarts who overcame insurmountable odds, thereby powerfully impacting the economic, political and social landscape of the twin island Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.
Ambassador Condor acknowledged that despite the challenges, the Federation’s successes provide evidence that St. Kitts and Nevis is “punching above its weight category,” in part because of the pioneers who helped to shape a better way of life for generations of Kittittians and Nevisians and to ensure that the  Federation continues to build alliances with the wider Caribbean and the world.

Clare expressed his sincere appreciation to Ambassador Condor for affording him the opportunity to talk to the community in the diaspora and the entire world about St. Kitts and Nevis. Ambassador Condor exchanged similar sentiments for the opportunity to engage with the popular radio host and to promote St. Kitts and Nevis in the process.

Irie Jam Radio is the largest Caribbean media house in North America, with daily radio shows on two of New York’s top-rated stations. The popular station also has the largest share of the North American market’s Caribbean listeners. The station is a  household name in the New York Tri-State area in particular.

The radio station broadcasts from 93.5 WVIP in New Rochelle, New York, and Radio 103.9 in Manhattan.

Thanks to Irwin Clare at Irie Jam Radio for the opportunity to promote St. Kitts and Nevis on his well loved radio station.

Click on  below to listen in again to the Ambassador to the  United Nations His Excellency Sam T Condor

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