Kittitian listed among 2015 “Best Doctors in America” list.

Dr. Nadyah J. John
US-Based Kittitian Psychiatrist Dr. Nadyah John has been listed among 2015 Best Doctors in America List .
Dr. John is the the daughter of the Deputy Governor General Eustace John.
Dr John is a psychiatrist in Greenville, North Carolina and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Vidant Beaufort Hospital and Vidant Medical Center. specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry She received her medical degree from Howard University College of Medicine and has been in practice for 10 years. She is one of 20 doctors at Vidant Beaufort Hospital and one of 23 at Vidant Medical Center who specialize in Psychiatry.
The annual list is compiled by Best Doctors Inc., a Boston-based group that surveys more than 45,000 physicians across the United States who previously have been included in the listing, and asks who they would choose to treat themselves or their families.
Approximately 5 percent of the physicians who practice in the United States make the annual list
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