Fortitude and Agility to Lead during a Global Crisis
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We are no where near out of the woods where the COVID-19 pandemic is concerned, however we are thankful for the engagement of the Ministry of Health; all the Health Care Professionals including the caregivers, nurses, doctors, the Chief Medical Officer and the Medical Chief of Staff for rising to the occasion as we face the worst crisis that history will record in our lifetime.
The degree of commitment of our health professionals to the task at hand has led to enormous strides and in all fairness is remarkable.
The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis has benefited tremendously from their professionalism in the management of the COVID-19 Pandemic. This will never go unnoticed and is top-notched performance if I may add. Nothing in life is perfect and there will always be instances of human error and glitches in the system. Even at this time when there is a surge in cases they are more zealous, in getting this crisis under control.
High commendation must be extended to both the Prime Minister and the Premier for their quests and public pleas to the people to get vaccinated. Since the vaccines became available in the country with no reservations both leaders lead hands-down, at a time when others sat on the fence or decided not to take a stance on the vaccine. But this is what leaders do, leaders carry the fortitude to stay in the house even when it is burning down. The Prime Minister was on ‘Leadership Matters’ while the Premier was ‘On the Mark’ week in and week out, both in unison singing one song ‘ Get Vaccinated’ . Many of us jumped on the bandwagon selflessly, because we have a nation at risk, so for us it was no longer about ‘self’ but ‘country’. In crisis and chaos we see the true virtues of a people and we cannot risk ending up on the wrong side of history.
So crisis is knocking on our doors, it is now real, many of our loved ones are isolated, some in physical pain, others emotionally and financially bombarded. Do we advance the rhetoric wear your mask, stay at home, social distance, do we encourage those who can, to get vaccinated. Or do we pull out guns, machetes and knives and wage war and shed blood even in crisis. Will pointing fingers and waiting for every error to criticize stop our loved ones from getting sick or dying from COVID-19?
We can never downplay the efforts of our medical team; all of us must make a concerted effort to collaborate with them in ensuring that the gains we have accomplished since March 2020 are not lost because of ignorance, fake and erroneous information, foolish pride, political partisan or any such thing.
Life is invaluable; the Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris has launched a ‘life first approach’ in the strategic management of the pandemic. This is pertinent so as to avoid the devastations we have seen throughout the world because of the coronavirus, from happening here.
We are not without hope, there is no need to panic or become overwhelmed. We have a loving, caring and understanding Prime Minister who is working assiduously around the clock in ensuring that the emotional, physical and economic well-being of our people and nation are preserved.
May God grant him the grace to make God fearing decisions for the betterment of this blessed federation. Healing and restoration will come to us, as we join together as civic minded individuals.
I implore every citizen and resident to rise to raise-the-bar in their support and combat against this deadly pandemic. Follow the protocols, get vaccinated, let’s save lives, for THIS TOO SHALL PASS.
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