Exclusive Dubai event encourages investors to St Kitts and Nevis citizenship’s programme

On November 15, several high-level St Kitts and Nevis officials will attend an exclusive event at Dubai’s Jumeirah Hotel to discuss the country’s prestigious Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme. Attendees will include St Kitts and Nevis’ Prime Minister, Dr Timothy Harris, who will be accompanied by the country’s Citizenship by Investment Unit’s CEO Les Khan and St Kitts and Nevis’ ambassador to the UAE, Justin Hawley.
The event is centred around the Caribbean nation’s limited time offer that allows foreign nationals second citizenship through a monetary contribution. Established in 1984, St Kitts and Nevis’ Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme is the longest standing in the world. It is popular in the investment immigration industry as a ‘Platinum Standard’ and has been ranked as the world’s best by experts at the Financial Times’ PWM magazine.
St Kitts and Nevis offers investors a safe and secure route to second citizenship once they contribute to the Sustainable Growth Fund. This option is the fastest and most straightforward route to St Kitts and Nevis citizenship and is the only path that offers a limited time offer. Under the discount that lasts until the end of 2021, families of up to four can gain citizenship for $150,000 rather than the previous $195,000.
The invitation-only gathering will consist of close to 200 agents and second citizenship experts who will have the opportunity to learn more about St Kitts and Nevis’ CBI Programme’s in speeches from the prime minister and ambassador Khan. Those attending will also have time to meet the officials and ask questions later in the evening.
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