Epic Imagery Created to Showcase Independence 33 and the EPIC Cooler Cruise Event

Just when we thought we had seen it all The GMS Promotions the Group behind the ROCKAWAY Party series has again outdone themselves with their hugely creative, totally local promotional and marketing imagery. The Group is currently in the midst of promoting yet another event the Cooler Cruise.
The EPIC Jaw Dropping Potrait that has been released to promote the event has cuased a stir on social media for its boldness and creativity. Described as the celebration and freedom of a beautiful full figured queen the image is already being described as iconic. In labeling it’s release the persons behind the image had this to say :
“NEVER before has the Federation(St.Kitts-Nevis) experienced the beauty of a FULL FIGURED PHENOMENON taking Front and Center of an Event Poster.
What better way to celebrate our Independence than to plaster the face of a free spirited, confident, extraordinary woman in the person appropriately nicknamed “Phree”
Her message is simple Be You. Embrace you. Be free!!!”
The Cooler Cruise takes place on Sunday 18th September. No doubt “Phree” will be celebrating her Independence, her Freedom on this EPIC Cruise by Rockaway.
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