BREAKING NEWS : WATCH- Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar announces Date of General Elections

Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Kamla Persad-Bissessar has just announced that Monday September 7th 2015 is the date set for General Elections there.
The Peoples National Movement has already chosen all but one of its candidates to contest the 39 electoral seats in Trinidad and two in Tobago.
The parties comprising the Peoples Partnership are in the process of handing out nomination forms to members interested in being screened to be candidates.
Persad-Bissessar said her government was the first since 1976 that a government had served its full term.
She thanked House Speaker Wade Mark for his “sterling service”.
Persad-Bissessar also said that the constitutional reforms contained in the Constitutional Amendment Bill would be brought back in the Peoples Partnership’s second term, along with proposals for self-governance in Tobago, and the return of the death penalty, which were denied by the PNM.
She said the PNM could not deny her government serving out its full term.
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