Castries, Saint Lucia, July 4th, 2024 – A recently conducted site visit to the Piton Management Area (PMA) for the ongoing demarcation exercise, revealed substantial progress made to date. Participating in the site visit were representatives of the Renewable Energy Sector Development Project (RESDP), Program Assistant at the Office of the Pitons Management Area (PMA), Kruma Herelle, and Consultant Land Surveyor, Paul Boland.

To date, eighty-seven pegs have been monumented making up fifty percent of the monument requirements for both the Piton Management Area (PMA) and the Green Buffer Zone (GBZ). This work ensures that the boundaries are clearly defined, facilitating better management and protection of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The demarcated routes stretch from Diamond, L’Esperance, Belle-Plaine, Belfond, Etangs, through to Anse L’Ivrogne, Delcer, and Union Vale. The next phase of the project involves demarcating the routes from Victoria through Belle-Plaine and Fond St. Jacques to Migny. So far, 14 km of the total 26 km distance have been completed, demonstrating considerable progress in the project timeline.

At the conclusion of the site visit, Mr. Boland described the process as a labour of love concluding with the submission and registration of the survey plans at the project’s completion in August 2024.

Kruma Herelle, Project Assistant at the PMA, expressed his gratitude to the RESDP for their assistance with the demarcation process stating: “We look forward to the continued and seamless demarcation process as it will aid in ensuring that the PMA can continue its sustainability work for not only the present generation but future generations to come”.

The demarcation project not only underscores the commitment to preserving the PMA but also paves the way for renewable energy developments within the area. The collaborative efforts of the Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport, RESDP, and the Office of the Pitons Management Area continue to ensure the protection and sustainable use of Saint Lucia’s natural heritage.


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Image 1 RESDP representatives on site visit with PMA Program Assistant and Land Surveyor, Paul Boland.jpeg

About the RESDP: The Saint Lucia Renewable Energy Sector Development Project (RESDP) is a 4-year (2022-2026) Government of Saint Lucia project implemented by the Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport and funded by the World Bank with additional support from the Climate Investment Fund; the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and the Canada-World Bank Clean Energy and Forests Climate Facility.  The development objective of the RESDP is to inform the GOSL on the viability of its geothermal resource and strengthen the enabling environment to scale-up clean energy investments with the private sector.

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