Ambassador Natta-Nelson issues Apology: Describes actions in Viral Video as Misguided and Regrettable

Fellow citizens and residents of our beloved Federation, I am Ambassador Leon Natta-Nelson. I stand before you today to address an incident that occurred last night at Fort Street, Basseterre. I must clarify that, as a police investigation is currently underway, I am unable to provide full details on why this incident transpired. However, I feel compelled to share with you that the individual involved, an adult, subjected my 8-year-old son to harm. As a father, my protective instincts kicked in, and I reacted in a manner I now deeply regret. While my intentions were rooted in safeguarding my child, I recognize that I should have approached the situation differently. I love my son dearly and my natural protective parental instincts took over. I wish to sincerely apologize for my emotional reaction and any harsh words that were spoken. Such a response should never have occurred. I am committed to finding more peaceful and constructive ways to address any future concerns, even those involving my child. It is crucial that we denounce all forms of aggression, whether physical or verbal. Let us prioritize open dialogue, understanding, and peaceful conflict resolution, especially in moments of heightened emotion. As the police investigation unfolds, I ask for your patience and understanding. Additionally, I hope that the individual(s) responsible for threats against my family and home, as seen in widely circulated videos, will be held accountable for their actions. I trust in the thoroughness of the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force in this matter. In closing, I extend my heartfelt apologies to the people of St. Kitts and Nevis for my regrettable actions. I cherish my son deeply and will always seek to protect him. Yet, I can assure you, that I have gleaned a lesson from this experience and strive for a more compassionate and understanding society. We can forge a future where respect, empathy, and peaceful dialogue triumph over confrontation. Thank you for your time and your understanding.


Ambassador Leon Natta Nelson

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