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Basseterre, St.Ktts (Wednesday July 4th, 2018):-Minister of Public Infrastructure, Posts, Urban Development , Energy and Transport and Parliamentry Representative for East Basseterre Hon. Ian “Patches” Liburd has remained true to his promise and commitment to the people of East Basseterre through the launch and maintenance of the East Basseterre Social Assistance Fund. Hon. Liburd announced the programme as one of his commitments to the people of East Basseterre during the lead up to the 2015 elections. As one of his many promises to the people of East Basseterre Liburd committed a portion of his monthly salary to the people of East Basseterre .
The Fund was launched in May 2015. A Board of Directors headed by Former General Manager of the SKNA National Bank Mr Ernest Jimmy Pistana was announced . Other Board Members include Chris “Moonlight” Roberts, Leasa Lewis , RANDY “Africa” Caines and Cleopatra Lake . A first installment to the fund of $7850 was made and a monthly installment has been maintained to date.
The Ian Patches Liburd East Basseterre Social Assistance Fund has finance and supported a plethora of inititiatives catered towards the development of East Basseterre and its constituents. These initiatives include
- Regular Hot Lunch Delivery to the less fortunate Programme
- Social Assistance Programme– Payment For Medication/Assistance With Hospital Bills for less fortunate
- Donations to Clubs/Schools/Less Fortunate individuals
- Dumpster Placement Initiative in the Constituency , average 4 per month
- Children’s School Supplies Distribution Programme- 600 plus school children benefit annually
- Primary School Students Scholarship and Assistance Programme
- Children’s Christmas Parties and Toy Distribution- 700 plus children annually
- Food Hamper Distribution Programme to less fortunate
The Ian Patches Liburd Social Assistance and Youth Development Fund stands as a testament to Minister Liburd’s commitment to help the country, especially the people of his constituency in East Basseterre.
A son of East Basseterre Minister Liburd is the first Elected Representative to be born in the Constituency, raised in the Constituency and still lives in the Constituency. Patches as he is affectionately known by his fellow constituents will never hesitate to tell you that he owes his success in life to his upbringing in this community for that reason he gives back to the continuing development of its people. A true son of East Basseterre!!!!
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