St. Kitts Structural Engineer Joins Regional Team for Grenada Rebuilding Efforts

A Structural Engineer from the St. Kitts Public Works Department has joined regional counterparts on the Rapid Needs Assessment Team to assist with the rebuilding efforts in Grenada and its dependents.

Mr. Jared Joseph was part of the Rapid Needs Assessment Team deployed to Grenada on Sunday, July 7, 2024. The Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) Coordinating Unit expressed gratitude for the team’s work, stating it is “critical to informing response and relief efforts.”

The team began their assessments in Carriacou, which was devastated by Hurricane Beryl when it made landfall on the island on July 1. The hurricane wiped out hundreds of homes and other critical infrastructure.

Grenada’s Prime Minister, Dickon Mitchell, has pledged to ensure that following the assessments, Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique will be cleaned up and rebuilt stronger and better. The commitment to a robust recovery underscores the importance of the Rapid Needs Assessment Team’s efforts in laying the groundwork for effective rebuilding and resilience.

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