Prime Minister Drew’s St. Vincent Ganja Farm Trip Raises Questions Amid Minister Duggins and Cannabis CEO’s Controversial Follow-Up Trip a week later 

Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew’s administration has faced growing criticism for its perceived incompetence and reckless spending, particularly when it comes to overseas trips and questionable expenditures. The recent visit by PM Drew to St. Vincent, ostensibly to explore the cannabis industry, has raised significant eyebrows.

What has further fueled speculation is the swift follow-up visit by St. Kitts and Nevis Minister of Agriculture, Samal Duggins, and the Cannabis Industry Development CEO, Dr. Garfield Alexander, to St. Vincent for a similar purpose. This sequence of events has sparked outrage and fueled rumors that Prime Minister Drew’s initial trip was driven by personal motives, with the Ganja Farm visit acting as a convenient cover-up.

What is most concerning is the lack of accompanying officials from the Ministry of Agriculture or the Cannabis Secretariat, including the CEO, during the Prime Minister’s trip. This omission only adds to the suspicion surrounding the nature of the visit.

The repetition of the visit, this time by the Minister of Agriculture and the Cannabis CEO, to the same destination and for the same purpose as the Prime Minister’s trip just a week earlier has raised legitimate concerns among the public. Many are questioning the justification for such trips and whether taxpayer funds are being used judiciously.

In times when fiscal responsibility is crucial, such actions by the administration only serve to erode public trust and raise serious questions about the priorities of the government. It is imperative that the government addresses these concerns transparently to maintain credibility and ensure accountability in its actions.

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