PM Drew  Backs Constituency Teams with Financial Support, While Fate of 3000 ULTRA POOR Struggling Citizens/Former PAP Beneficiaries Hangs in Balance!

Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis, (August 22, 2023 )- Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew has recently showcased his support for his constituency  sports and community achievements by extending financial assistance to two outstanding teams within his constituency, the Flow 4G Cayon Rockets Football Club and the SOL Island Auto Conaree FC. The commendable strides of these teams were recognized on Monday, August 21, 2023, during special presentations held at the Prime Minister’s Office.

The Flow 4G Cayon Rockets Football Club, having earned their place in the esteemed St. Kitts and Nevis Football Association (SKNFA) Super Six Tournament, received a heartfelt tribute from Dr. Drew. The occasion not only marked the team’s success but also instilled a sense of pride and joy within the community. Mr. Andy Blanchette, Manager of the Flow 4G Cayon Rockets Football Club, gratefully accepted the donation on behalf of the team.

Continuing his demonstration of support, Prime Minister Drew also took a moment to celebrate the SOL Island Auto Conaree FC and its Head Coach, Mr. Alexis Richards. The accolades were shared with the team during an evening practice session, reinforcing the government’s commitment to nurturing local talent through sports.

However, while these commendations highlight the government’s positive engagement with local achievements, there is still anticipation surrounding the potential reinstatement of over 3000 beneficiaries removed from the PAP (Poverty Alleviation Program). The government’s stance on this matter is yet to be revealed, leaving many hopeful for a similar display of support to uplift those in need. In August of 2022 some 7400 Persons were benefitting from the Poverty Alleviation Programme under the Dr. Hon. Tmothy Harris Team Unity Administration. By December 2022 the PM Drew led administration removed approximately 3000 persons from the programme. Permanent Secretary Azilla Clarke and Junior Minister Hon. Isallean Phillip confirmed that of over 40% of the persons that applied for and were eligible for the PAP Support were not receiving said support. This fact have forced many struggling  former PAP beneficiaries into extremely difficult positions and thus creating a new segment of society in St.Kitts and Nevis that is being described as the ULTRA POOR .

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