Concerned Cayon Citizens Propose “Tanks A Million” Initiative to Address Water Crisis. Providing water tanks for EVERY Household in Cayon


As the water crisis continues to afflict the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, a group of concerned Cayon citizens is stepping up with an innovative solution. They have presented the “Tanks A Million” proposal to the Drew administration, urging them to consider this initiative that could provide free 600-gallon water tanks to approximately 1,200 households in Cayon. This proposal comes at a critical time when reliable access to clean water is more essential than ever.

**Background of the Water Crisis**
The water scarcity issue in the Cayon Community has persisted for decades, exacerbated by factors like increased water demand from agriculture, housing, and tourism sectors. Climate change has further worsened the situation, with rising sea levels and higher evaporation rates affecting water resources.

**Objectives of the Initiative**
The “Tanks A Million” initiative has several key goals:
– **Sustainable Solution**: Offer a long-term fix to the water problem that has plagued Cayon for over 30 years.
– **Water Access**: Ensure consistent water supply for homes and schools.
– **Environmental Awareness**: Promote environmental responsibility through water catchment systems.
– **Improved Sanitation**: Enhance hygiene conditions through a reliable water supply.
– **Public Awareness**: Educate citizens on safe water collection and management.
– **Economic and Health Impact**: Support tourism and agriculture sectors while mitigating public health risks.

**Timeline and Estimated Cost**
The proposal outlines a 16-week plan, with an estimated budget of EC$2.1 million. This budget covers tank procurement, transportation, installation, public awareness campaigns, and logistical support.

**Specifications of the Water Tanks**
The initiative proposes 600-gallon tanks, suitable for households as a backup during up to 10-14 days of water shortages. These tanks can provide water for drinking, cooking, and hygiene, with removable lids for easy cleaning.

**Design and Durability**
The selected tanks are both cost-effective and durable, ensuring their longevity and effectiveness.

This citizen-driven “Tanks A Million” initiative is a beacon of hope for Cayon residents, offering them a reliable water source and promoting environmental sustainability. The citizens are hopeful that the Drew administration will consider and support this critical proposal to alleviate the water crisis in the region.

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