“St. Kitts Farmers Demand Better Support in Open Letter Amidst Agricultural Challenges”

As October draws to a close, a stark irony looms over the farmers of St. Kitts. World Food Day, celebrated annually on October 16, serves as a poignant reminder of their pivotal role in the battle against hunger and malnutrition. This year’s theme, ‘Water is Life, Water is Food. Leave No One Behind.’, highlights the critical significance of water in sustaining life on our planet and its foundational role in food production.

Yet, instead of reaping the anticipated blessings of abundant rainfall, farmers faced unprecedented losses. Fields were submerged, roads rendered impassable, and precious crops washed away in the wake of Tropical Storm Felipe and Hurricane Tammy. Despite the deluge, the inability to harness and utilize this excess water remains a bitter disappointment.

A mere few weeks ago, the fields were parched, highlighting the acute need for improved infrastructure, land preparation, and extension services. This delay in planting schedules threatens to extend into the crucial December season, underscoring the urgency for comprehensive support for all farmers, rather than a select few.

The Consortium of Farmers and Food Producers stands united in their advocacy for the farming community. They assert that the Ministry of Agriculture must embrace collaboration, providing a platform for farmers’ voices to shape decisions on critical issues. A sustainable financing system is paramount, enabling domestic food producers to forge their own paths forward, resilient in the face of adversities.

The Consortium’s leadership expresses deep concern over the Ministry’s reluctance to engage constructively with the farming community. Despite this, they urge all farmers to stand united, facing these challenges as one. The call remains clear: keep farming, keep demanding better, and support the Consortium’s efforts. It is through unity and collective action that victory will be assured.


Meshach Alford

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